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What Role Does A Financial Advisor Play Within A Company Sponsored 401(K)?

401(k) Insights serves as our monthly newsletter created specifically to assist business owners and plan administrators in navigating their retirement plan requirements. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime. 


The use of financial advisors in 401(k) plans is quite common, but what do they do? In this edition, we will explore a couple of ways a financial advisor can add value to your and your company’s 401(K) plan.


Financial advisors provide comprehensive support to 401(k) plan sponsors.


Below are the more common ways an advisor can help you:


Providing Employee Education:


Advisors help develop and deliver educational programs and provide resources to help participants understand how the plan works, make informed investment decisions, and plan for retirement.


Advising on the Investment Selection:


Financial advisors assist in selecting a diverse range of investment options for the 401(K), ensuring they align with the sponsor's investment policy statement (IPS) and the needs of participants. 


Monitoring Performance:


Advisors provide ongoing investment monitoring, regularly reviewing and monitoring the performance of investment options, making recommendations for changes as needed to maintain a high-quality investment menu.


By leveraging their experience, financial advisors can help plan sponsors ensure their 401(k) meets the regulatory requirements and serves the best interests of plan participants, ultimately enhancing the overall quality and effectiveness of the retirement plan.


Are you confident your plan is compliant and maximizing your benefit? We can help. If you’d like a complimentary review of your retirement plan, please click this link and provide some basic information.










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